Father Steven has arranged for a complete packet of information regarding those arrangements we all must make in anticipation of our death or when one of our loved ones dies. The information contained includes:

- the reasoning why one would opt to make plan now rather than closer to the time of death,
- funeral homes in our area, Catholic Cemeteries located within our diocese,
- funeral arrangement forms that include choices to be made for the Rite of Christian Burial,
- a personal history form for the deceased that is a great help to those ministering to the family,
- financial considerations regarding the death of a loved one,
- a wonderful brochure titled “Confronting our Death with the Confidence of Faith,”
- information on the Catholic understanding on the declaration on life and death,
- and selected teachings from Church documents, an Advanced Directive / Living Will.
Please take advantage of these resourcese sooner rather than later. Remember, Fr. Steven welcomes any questions and concerns you may have regarding death and end of life decisions, particularly as it pertains to living our faith.