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Why be Catholic?
“The difficulty in explaining ‘why I am a Catholic’ is that there are ten thousand reasons all amounting to one reason: that Catholicism is true.”
G.K. Chesterton
Father Steven invites you to speak to him about becoming Catholic or, if you are already Catholic but have not yet done so, to receive the rest of your sacraments of initiation.
What is the “OCIA”?
“OCIA” stands for the “Order of Christian Initiation for Adults” – it is the process by which an adult enters into full communion with the Catholic Church. Jesus Christ calls all people to Himself, but each person must decide for themself whether they are ready and willing to pick up their cross and follow our Lord Jesus into the fullness of Christian life.
Living the Christian life is not easy and is impossible if we rely only on ourselves. But with the sacramental graces Jesus offers us through His Church, it is possible to become fully alive in the Spirit and grow closer to our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ.