Altar Servers
Parish Office
The Altar Servers fulfill a very important role in the celebration of Mass. The servers enhance the liturgy by assisting the priest and deacon in creating and maintaining an atmosphere of reverence during the entire Mass. It is an opportunity to follow Jesus and participate in Mass.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)
The ordinary minister of Holy Communion is a bishop, priest, or deacon. When circumstances are such that the ordinary minister(s) need help distributing Holy Communion, then lay people who have been deputed as EMHC’s may distribute Holy Communion. This is why only the priest and deacon distribute Holy Communion during a daily Mass when there are just a handful of people present, since only clerics should distribute Holy Communion if there is no extraordinary need for additional help.
The EMHC assist the priest and deacon in administering the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ to the faithful. By pursuing and accepting this extraordinary role, you are responding to the ministry and mission initiated and requested of you in Baptism.
Frank Sette
The ministry helps to facilitate the public prayer of the Church in the Liturgy of the Word. The Ministry proclaims the Word in our parish. Through participation in the Church’s Liturgy, involvement in workshops for lectors, personal preparation and above all a willingness to grow in your relationship with God, you will hone your skills and gifts as a lector.
Music Ministry
Tom Rivers
Our choir inspires and increases our praise to the Lord. If you enjoy singing, consider being a part of the choir. The choir practices before Mass, so participating is convenient and the demand placed upon members is small. We want to hear your voice.
Larry Litvintchouk
The Sacristan Ministry works behind the scenes to prepare the Church for the celebration of Mass. Preparation includes such things as preparing the sacred vessels, linens, hosts and wine as well as the lectionary and any other items that might be required. The ministry contributes to our celebration by ensuring that all is ready to praise and worship our Lord.